The earth Pyramids of Segonzano

A masterpiece of nature

Piramidi di Segonzano | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra
Piramidi di Segonzano | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra
Piramidi di Segonzano | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra
Piramidi di Segonzano | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra
Piramidi di Segonzano | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra

A masterpiece of nature: towers, crests, pinnacles arranged like organ pipes, tall columns towered by a huge porphyry rock – these are the earth pyramids in the municipality of Segonzano. One of the most well known and studied geological phenomena in the world, also for its imposing beauty. The remains of a moraine deposit dating back to the last ice age, the pyramids are now a tourist attraction of great didactic value. The site is open to visitors all the year round, and can be reached by a specially equipped, clearly marked path.

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Valsugana - Val di Sella - Arte Sella

Arte Sella

At the roots of art

Parco Arciducale Arboreto

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Parco Fluviale Novella | © Photo Associazione Parco Fluviale Novella

Parco Fluviale Novella

Novella River Park features a trail to help visitors discover hidden...

Grotta Calgeron - APT Valsugana - ph. M Costa | © Grotta Calgeron - APT Valsugana - ph. M Costa

Calgeron Cave

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Sentiero Marciò | © Foto Apt Val di Fiemme

Sentiero Marciò

Extraordinary walk in the hearth of the Paneveggio forest

© Foto Archivio Apt

Sentiero Naturalistico Val Concei

A nice walk throuh the woods of Val Concei.

Valsugana - Val di Sella - Arte Sella

Arte Sella

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Parco Arciducale Arboreto

The Arboretum of the Archducal Park is a living botanic museum hosting an extraordinary array of plants, as well as sign-posted informative trails...

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The "Giardino della Rosa" (Rose Garden) in Ronzone

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Parco Fluviale Novella | © Photo Associazione Parco Fluviale Novella

Parco Fluviale Novella

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Grotta Calgeron - APT Valsugana - ph. M Costa | © Grotta Calgeron - APT Valsugana - ph. M Costa

Calgeron Cave

The Calgeron Cave is the most popular with speleologists. Galleries, ponds and stalactites create a suggestive environment

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Ledro Land Art

Art in the woods

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Sentiero Marciò | © Foto Apt Val di Fiemme

Sentiero Marciò

Extraordinary walk in the hearth of the Paneveggio forest

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© Foto Archivio Apt

Sentiero Naturalistico Val Concei

A nice walk throuh the woods of Val Concei.

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Nature Trails

8 results
© Foto Archivio Rete di Riserve Cembra – Avisio

Network of Nature Reserves Cembra - Avisio

Nature intact and wild

Biotopo Laghestel | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra

Laghestel Biotope

An old lake with a residual water mirror

Lago delle Buse | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra

Laghetto delle Buse

Two small islands which can be reached by walkways on piles

The Cascata del Lupo Path

One of the classic walks in the district of  Bedollo

Serraia Lake

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APT Piné Cembra- Lago delle Piazze - Ph. S. Carlesso | © APT Piné Cembra- Lago delle Piazze - Ph. S. Carlesso

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Santo di Cembra Lake

Of glacial origin, it is born of a legend and it is a very suggestive...

Lago di Lases - foto Roberto Bragotto | © Lago di Lases - foto Roberto Bragotto

Lases Lake

The habitat of many rare species of flora and fauna

© Foto Archivio Rete di Riserve Cembra – Avisio

Network of Nature Reserves Cembra - Avisio

Nature intact and wild

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Biotopo Laghestel | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra

Laghestel Biotope

An old lake with a residual water mirror

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Lago delle Buse | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra

Laghetto delle Buse

Two small islands which can be reached by walkways on piles

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The Cascata del Lupo Path

One of the classic walks in the district of  Bedollo

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Serraia Lake

This charming lake, awarded with the Blue Flag, is a perfect destination for adults and children, for a relaxing day in the middle of nature

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APT Piné Cembra- Lago delle Piazze - Ph. S. Carlesso | © APT Piné Cembra- Lago delle Piazze - Ph. S. Carlesso

Piazze Lake

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Santo di Cembra Lake

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Lago di Lases - foto Roberto Bragotto | © Lago di Lases - foto Roberto Bragotto

Lases Lake

The habitat of many rare species of flora and fauna

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Nature walks

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Ring route within the Laghestel Nature Reserve

Walk to the Rifugio Potzmauer

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To the top of Dos de la Mot

To the top of Dos de la Mot

Around lake Serraia and lake Piazze

Around lake Serraia and lake Piazze

Dosso di Costalta

Dosso di Costalta

"Wolf Waterfall" with starting point in Piazze - Bedollo

"Wolf Waterfall" with starting point in Piazze - Bedollo

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To "Roccolo del Sauch"

To "Roccolo del Sauch"

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Around lake Serraia and lake Piazze

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"Wolf Waterfall" with starting point in Piazze - Bedollo

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Tour of the lakes of the Plateau

This walk around the lakes of the PinéPlateau is a relaxing one with...

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To "Roccolo del Sauch"

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Nature walks

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Castello Roccabruna

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Castello di Segonzano

The ruins of Segonzano Castle, immortalised by Dürer

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Castello Roccabruna

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Castello di Segonzano

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Altopiano di Piné and Valle di Cembra

Lakes, vineyards, tasty food and fine wines

Valle di Cembra - Cicloturismo

Altopiano di Piné and Valle di Cembra

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Nature walks