Passo Bordala
At Passo Bordala cross-country mountaineering and walks on Mount Stivo

Passo Bordala, on Monte Stivo, is a vast plateau alternating cultivated fields with beech woods, that faces out onto Vallagarina and its charming landscapes. The plateau reaches its maximum extension at Bordala Alta, on a level with Monte Somator (1309 m a.s.l.) on which a few remains of a medieval tower, built by the Signori of Castelcorno, have been discovered.
In the small valley of Drom, close to several centuries-old fir trees, there is a spring of carbonated water that emerges at a constant temperature of 9°C. Monte Biaèna holds the visible fortifications and gun pits of the Austrian army and offers also a vast panoramic view.
The place is peaceful and suitable for those who love to tour the mountains on foot and love to engage in ski-mountaineering.
Contact & Directions
Azienda per il Turismo Rovereto e VallagarinaCorso Rosmini, 21
38068 Rovereto , Italy
Visit Website
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