Forte Tenna

Together with Forte Colle delle Benne, this fort guaranteed the pincer closure of Valsugana

Forte Tenna | © Foto Archivio Apt Valsugana

Built between 1884 and 1890 on the hill dividing the lakes of Levico and Caldonazzo, at an altitude of 608 metres asl, the two-floor Forte Tenna was built using square ashlars. On the ground floor are the service rooms, while on the mezzanine floor are the dormitories and gunports.


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Forte Strino | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

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Forte Strino | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

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The Austro-Hungarian monumental cemetery in Bondo

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Fort Pozzacchio/Valmorbia

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Cesare Battisti Mausoleum

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