Lake Ledro Pile-dwelling Museum

Let’s experience the lives of our ancestors at the Pile-Dwelling Museum of Lake Ledro

What was life like in prehistoric times? This is the best place to find out! A faithfully reproduced pile-dwelling village and a renovated museum will take you an a journey back in time to the Bronze Age.

Before you stands a faithful reconstruction of a Bronze-Age village, with a cluster of huts built on piles. In fact, between 2200 and 1350 BCE, a primitive village stood on the shores of this lake before being rediscovered in 1929. Within the past century, over 10,000 piles once used to support the village have been found, earning UNESCO recognition for the Lake Ledro archaeological site.

Today, the village consists of four faithfully reproduced huts which, thanks to a rich programme of events and workshops, allow visitors to get an idea of how people lived in prehistoric times.

Beside the village sits the museum complex, restructured in 2019, where some of the sophisticated items of craftwork originating from the pile-dwelling village are on display.


Lake Ledro
Lake Ledro - A journey in time
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Ledro Land Art
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Museo Garibaldino | © Foto Archivio Consorzio per il Turismo della Valle Di Ledro
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